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Our Activities

Our Activities

Rolling Out the industrial Strategy

Rolling out your industrial Strategy

Industry 4.0 Diagnostics

→ We assess your I4.0 maturity level


Drafting of action plan

→  Define your roadmap

Project Coordination

→ Develop methodically your Transformation


Industrial Strategy
Industry 4.0 Maturity Levels

Industry 4.0 Diagnostics

  • Maturity Assessment : Analysis of the infrastructures, processes and technologies currently in operation.

  • Capability Analysis : Assessment of internal competencies and the ability to integrate Industry 4.0 technologies.

  • Comparative Study : Comparison with the best practices and standards of your sector.

  • Identification of Opportunities : Identification of key areas where I4.0 technologies bring significant benefits.

Action Plan

  • Identification of the strategic and operational objectives to be achieved.

  • Process mapping: detailed analysis of existing processes.

  • Identification of technological and operational levers for improvement.

  • Development of the Action Plan: creating and implementing a structured action plan

  • Profit estimation: calculation of productivity, quality, cost, and flexibility gains.

Action Plan
Project Coordination

Project Coordination

  • Project Management: Planning, monitoring and management of improvement projects.

  • Team Coordination for an effective collaboration between different stakeholders.

  • Progress Tracking: Continuous monitoring of progress and necessary adjustments.

  • Risk Identification and Mitigation: detection of potential risks to ensure the success of projects

New Manufacturing and Control Technologies

Integration of new  Manufacturing and Control Technologies

Find out our experience in integrating cutting-edge technologies.

Take advantage of solutions adapted to your manufacturing and control processes.

We manufacture your prototypes and pre-series to make the industrialization of your products easier.

New technologies

Engineering studies

Analysis of needs and objectives

Identification of technologies

Feasibility study

Integration plan

Certification of materials

Identification of new materials

Material properties testing

Compliance with Standards

Test traceability

Prototypes Pre-Series

Prototype development

Pre-series by additive manufacturing

Functional testing

Process Optimization

Control Methods

Control protocols

Validation of procedures

Control Automation


Traçabilité de fabrication

Système de suivi et monitoring

Enregistrement de données

Analyse de données

Rapport de contrôle

Smart Process

Automation and digitalization of Process

Increase the efficiency and the transparency of your manufacturing processes

Smart process

3D Digital Simulation

Model, analyze and optimize your industrial processes before their actual implementation.

Process Modeling

Digital process models to visualize and understand manufacturing flows

Analysis and Optimization

Identifying bottlenecks, inefficiencies and opportunities of improvement


Exploration of different scenarios to predict the impacts of changes before their implementation

Concept Validation

Testing new configurations and technologies in a virtual environment to validate concepts and reduce risks

Industrial Automation


Increase the efficiency, precision and productivity of your industrial processes

Integration of robotic and automated systems

Process control and Monitoring

Process Reengineering

Maintenance Automation


Connect your equipments and machines for a successful integration of your systems

Industrial IoT

Integration of IoT sensors for data collection and transmission

Communication protocols

Implementation of M2M systems for machine-to-machine communication

Control and Monitoring

Technical assistance and configuration of SCADA systems

System interoperability

Integration of connection gateways between your different machine networks

Decision Analysis

Choose wisely, optimize your operations and improve your overall performance

  • Data Formatting and Standardization

  • Analytics and Business Intelligence

  • Automated Decision-Making

  • Custom Reporting and Dashboards
